
March 3, 1874

Letter from Vincent van Gogh to the Van Stockum - Haanebeek family


Dear Carolien and Willem,

Hearty congratulations.

I am afraid you are disappointed at not hearing from me sooner, but that's how I am, and you know that I mean well. But now you must return good for evil, and let me know at once how you are.

Now I have something new to tell you; perhaps our Anna will come here. You can well imagine how wonderful this would be for me. It is almost too good to be true. Well, we'll have to wait and see. If she comes, it will probably be in May; and perhaps it might be arranged for me to go and bring her back. I am longing to be closer to her than I am now. We have hardly seen each other once these last few years, and we only half know each other.

The best of luck to you, greetings to all in the Poten, and to anyone who asks after me.

Have you kept up your acquaintance with the Tersteeg family?

Yours truly, Vincent

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